ACOS Highlights

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8.6Bargraphs and Histograms
ACOS Client shows the resources as bargraph or summary curve. Even a histogram summarized by variable time periods or as a mean value is possible. All outputs may be created as matrix as well and can be exported to CSV for further use with EXCEL or other programs.
8.6Synchronized time an capacity planning
Any change on the activity in the barchart - even interruptions - have response on the bargraph below and may be checked against the maximum availability of the resource or resource group on the splitted screen.
8.6Earned value analysis
In the bargraph you find a switch to a predefined earned value analysis. The ISO requirements are fullfilled totally. Many cost values are available for user defined calculations and formulas.
8.6Time dependant cost as rates
Mh or cost may be defined as summary (fix) or dependant from the duration as rate. In the last case the quantity will be increased on elonguation of the duration.
8.6Nonlinear user defined distribution functions
Define up to 50 steps for your personal distributions. Specially for rough planning this feature helps you getting a realistic planning of your resource allocation in the cost departments. Actual progress values are distributed on the actual duration, remaining quantities on final duration of the activity or hammock.
For each department of your company a resouce pool may be defined with its own resources. Later the planning of the whole group is done by cumulation of all pools. More efficient capacity balance will be the result of having a better overview on all qualification groups.
8.6Clean data structures
Interfaces to integrate and harmonize your data are no problem, because the ACOS Client and ACOS WEB already have many built in standard solutions. The unique code of all records according the project structure helps to configure the conditions for bidirectional data exchange.
8.6Interfaces in both directions
ASCII, DBF, MPX, CSV, Arriba/Kubus TPS. These formats are available for bidirectional exchange with other systems. Professional interfaces are realized in ACOS WEB with XML or SQL mostly.