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8.6Editing data in lists more comfortable
Doppelklick im Editfeld der Liste verläßt den Edit-Modus nicht mehr, sondern markiert Position, Wort und Feld.
8.6Document management extended
Creation of subfolders with security levels is enebled for Documents Org
8.6Enhanced I4 project planning version
The number of relationships is increased from 1.5 to factor 2.5 of the number of nodes, up to 4,000,000,000 nodes may be calculated in one step (depending on your license), the new structue is fix with 255 calendars, 999 resource calendars, 999 distribution functions, the former edit limitation of maximum 10,000 rows is removed.
8.6Pathnames like \\SERVERNAME\FREIGABEORDNER enabled
For installation paths in the regestry, in layouts(Templates) and Macros and even in the user defined portfolio menu SOFU.MNU released folders of the intranet can be used directly without mapping. (not yet available in the setup procedure)
8.6"Code jumping" by relationships in the barchart
The predecessor/successor mask allows the jump to the next related code by double click on the relationship. The focus in the barchart is set to the target activity.
8.5bNew form for update or modification of ACOS activities
Durations, text, dates, completion as well as ACOS-memos, memo fields and links can be defined or modified. Resource allocations can be defined or modified. Relationships are viewable as predeccessor or successor. (All changes depend on the individual rights).
8.5bNew Calendar
Dates, resubmission dates and ACOS nodes are placed in a comfortable calendar view.
Outstanding dates are moved to the actual date automatically.
8.5bNew effective form for progress reporting with filters and layouts
The remaining resource values can be modified now, but are creating events